I've been mulling over a rather strange event, having a large family means this happens fairly often. Although this one ranks up there with the strangest, if not THE most odd. We are rarely bored because there is always one of us contributing to the drama of life in some way or other. Occasionally it's not us directly - someone will barge in and implicate us. So much so that the tv hardly gets watched - why bother - it's all happening here and now. Time is rarely slow and sometimes it would be helpful if it was.
Madam Blavatsky I guess would have an answer to my question, though it might be murky. Krishnamurti would probably tell me to answer it myself. What would Ken Wilber say? Possibly suggest a brain scan, one that would show the effects on the brain of meditation.
One of my aunts was a spiritualist and that probably kindled my interest in the unanswerable. I've experimented with all kinds of things since - I feel there are always more questions than answers and maybe that's healthy. It tells me that we don't know much really and it makes things more interesting while we strive to find out, presumably is also why we have scientists seeking to prove things.
Theosophy was an important influence on Kandinsky, Klee, Brancusi, Mondrian and Malevich, among others. Also on Hilma af Klint (see Adrian Searle's Guardian article 2006).
Kandinsky taught at the Bauhaus at a similar time to Itten, Klee, Albers, Moholy-Nagy and Schlemmer - I wish I'd been there. Hilma af Klint worked separately in Sweden seemingly unaware of the spiritual shenanigans of the teachers at the Bauhaus.
And the mystery of the last couple of days? That will probably never be solved.
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