I started in the days when it was still sexy, even though there was plenty of evidence to the contrary, halfway through my childhood. It was everywhere, the manufactured seductive nature of it screamed out of every screen, of every interaction every day and I became another sucker, inhaling it all along with many others.
It took me a week of looking at the packet before gaining the courage to begin taking these pills. Feeling like one of Oliver Sacks' subjects (who knew what miracle might occur?). One a day (a quarter of the final dose) for the first 3 days, followed by two per day and then two at double the dose from day 8. You continue to smoke in the first week and set a day to stop for week two.
From day one (the 13th), each night was restless, with plenty of wakefulness and vivid dreaming. I stopped them Monday (halfway through day 4, still only at quarter the regular dose) after blanking out momentarily in the middle of the day while driving. Maybe it was a co-incidence but it would be horribly ironic should the thing that's supposed to save me contributed towards my demise instead. I hadn't realised that I started them on Friday the 13th.
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